Tuesday 18 June 2013

Easy Meatball Soup

Weekday is also a rush rush affair when it comes to cooking dinner after work. Usually I will cook my soup and leave it inside my thermo pot overnight and the next day the family will get to enjoy very flavorful soup. But sometimes I will just feel like having some light soup to go with my meal. This meatball soup is one of it, easy and fast to whip up.

MEATBALL & Seasoning (marinate for at least 30mins, I leave it overnight)
200g minced pork (can use chicken too)
1/2 tbsp light soya sauce
1 tsp Chinese cooking wine
1 tsp sesame oil
1/2 tbsp corn flour

Handful of dried anchovies
4 seedless red dates
1-2 tomato
Spring onion as garnish
Any other ingredient like carrot/yam/mushroom/etc (I used yam since I am left with a bit of it)

1. Fill up half a pot (18cm) with water and boil.
2. Put the anchovies inside a stock filter bag, tear the red dates into small pieces for quicker release of flavor. Place both ingredient into the boiled water, boil for 5 mins and another 15 mins in small fire.
3. Cut the tomato into wedges and add in.
4. Switch to high fire and use a small spoon to scoop the marinated minced meat into a ball shape and add into boiling soup. Let the meat cook for 5-10mins.
5. Garnish with shopped spring onions.

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